Today is the 4th of July, and I dug up my garlic. 15 bulbs, which will last quite a time, even though I believe more garlic is more better.
There's a number of reasons why I garden and why I like gardening, but the reason that feels most pertinent today is independence. Supermarkets stress me out, a lot. Everyone's there, and in the way, and dumb, won't move, has kids, buys too much shit, and now my supermarket excursions focused on the toilet paper aisle; express trips in and out. I'm free of not knowing what's in my food, not knowing how it was grown, where it's really from, and being forced to pay as much as the food industry requires. I'm free to be joyful about and connected to my sustenance. To be close to Nature and working with Her to derive what I need to survive is real fucking exciting.
I am very lucky to have enough space to grow just about everything I need. But you don't even need yardspace to find this freedom. Just grow something you can use, in a pot in the window or out in the yard and you're getting out of the same old food systems that are commonplace today. And, visit a farmers' market or stop by a stand to pick something up. Whole lot less stressful than ShopRite on weekends.