Friday, August 8, 2014

Quick Tomato Barbeque Sauce

It's exciting to find new ways to use ingredients, particularly those parts which would otherwise go straight in the compost. So when I knew I wanted to make a tomato pie, and that I'd have to remove the watery parts, I wanted to come up with a way to use those watery parts. This reduction sauce made a lot of sense since I already had a pan out from making the pie filling. Just poured the juice back in, turned up the heat and I was ready to go!

Quick Tomato Barbeque Sauce

1-2 C Tomato juice
~1 T honey
~2 T apple cider vinegar
3-4 crushed hot peppers

Very simply combine all ingredients in a pan and put the heat on high. Let it boil and reduce until the sauce is caramelly and thick. At that point taste it, adjust the flavor if you'd like, and if you end up adding more liquid let it reduce back down again. Once it's the texture of barbeque sauce, take it off the heat and store it in the fridge.

Here it is on a really good burger I made the other day.

 Tangy, sweet, and spicy, as good as any other barbeque sauce, and one more thing you can make yourself instead of buying it in a bottle!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea, you should make beet ketchup next!
